Module 4 - Lesson Plan and Rubric

Alternative Assessment and Modification of Lesson


The lesson used for this assignment comes from my Consumer Math class.  The students had to create a document using WORD to compare different used cars.  Their objective is to determine which car they should buy using the used cars that have been advertised in the newspaper.  They had a myriad of variables that they must consider as they make their choice.  Their results are documented in a WORD document where it is necessary to include some of the features of WORD including tables, hyperlinks, and graphing. Students are given the following websites to aid them in making their decisions: ?



I have created the following rubric for this class but with the intention of incorporating it into my own class.



Rubric: Buying Your First Car


Student Name: _______________________







Mathematical Knowledge

Demonstration of high level skills in solving mathematical problems

Demonstration of proficient skills in solving mathematical problems

Demonstration of some skills in solving mathematical problems

Demonstration is limited in solving mathematical problems

Word Document Layout

Work shows a clear understanding of Word features and is organized and easy to read

Work shows a clear understanding of Word features and for the most part is easy to read

Work shows some knowledge of Word features and may be hard to read at times

Work shows a limited knowledge of Word features and is missing several components

WORD Table for Car Comparison

Information in the table is well presented, organized, and accurate

Information in the table is organized and accurate

Information is organized but table contains some inaccuracies

Information in the table is inaccurate and not easily read

Computation Errors

90-100% of the calculations are correct

80-89% of the calculations are correct

70-79% of the calculations are correct

Less than 70% of the calculations are correct



Adjustment to Lesson:


This lesson needs to be changed to allow all learners to be successful if they fulfill the requirements in the rubric.  This lesson, as it exists now, is too mathematically oriented.  Individuals are successful in buying used cars with very limited mathematical skills.  The objective of this lesson, true is to use their math skills to aid them in selecting the right car but it is also to set up a document with the proper research that is organized and efficient.